What is the Best THC-CBD Ratio for Medical Cannabis?

Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are two compounds found in the Cannabis genus of plants. While both interact with the body's endocannabinoid system, their effects are very different. THC binds to CB1 receptors in the brain and produces a feeling of euphoria, while CBD binds weakly to the CB1 receptor and does not produce euphoria. Cannabis cultivars cultivated for recreational use have seen an increase in THC content and a decrease in CBD content, resulting in a more powerful “high” but potentially reducing therapeutic effects.

By changing the ratio between CBD and THC, it is possible to address and control different types of pain. A preparation with twice as much THC as CBD will have intoxicating effects, especially for new or naive users. The presence of some CBD in the preparation will mitigate some side effects of higher THC levels, such as paranoia, but not all. This ratio would be more appropriate for people who have used medical cannabis chronically.

A preparation with equal amounts of CBD and THC will likely cause symptoms of euphoria or intoxication, especially in people who have not used cannabis before. If this ratio is used, it is important to start with low doses and increase them slowly depending on tolerance. Preparations with this ratio of CBD and THC can be psychoactive, especially for people who have a low tolerance to THC. The increase in CBD has beneficial effects and reduces the effects of THC to some extent.

THC is psychoactive and can affect your ability to perform certain tasks, such as driving or operating machinery. CBD is not psychoactive or sedative and can be used safely at much higher doses than THC. Depending on how you consume cannabis and other medications, there may be potential drug interactions. It is important to note that products that dominate THC can induce euphoria and sedation, so care must be taken.

For people who want to avoid getting high but have found that pure CBD is less effective, these are great options to try. It is important to understand the risks associated with high-potency cannabis and the interaction between THC and CBD, as well as to help design policies that promote more therapeutic options. If you consume products that contain THC (the cannabinoid that can be intoxicating and make you feel “high”), you should be careful with the dosage to ensure that you don't end up consuming too much THC. Reports suggest that THC has a dose-dependent effect on anxiety, while at low doses it may be anxiolytic (reduces anxiety) but at higher doses it may be anxiogenic (cause anxiety).

The best ratio of THC-CBD for medical cannabis depends on the individual's needs and tolerance level. It is important to start with low doses and increase them slowly depending on tolerance. A product with equal amounts of CBD and THC will likely cause symptoms of euphoria or intoxication, especially in people who have not used cannabis before. If you are looking for the entourage effect without getting high, products with a slightly higher dose of THC at night may maximize sedative effects while returning to a lower proportion of THC during the day.

Tori Clar
Tori Clar

Subtly charming internet scholar. General music aficionado. Avid beer buff. Evil music expert. Lifelong food advocate. Award-winning beer practitioner.