Can CBD Enhance Mental Performance?

It has been demonstrated that Cannabidiol (CBD) can be effective in reducing symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Furthermore, it has been found to facilitate better memory retention. Therefore, CBD can be a powerful tool in improving cognitive processes such as attention, working memory, and executive functions. Additionally, CBD has a wide range of health benefits. CBD is thought to have neuroprotective effects due to its interaction with CB2 receptors in the brain.

It acts on these receptors by creating an anti-inflammatory response in the brain's immune cells. This reduces the amount of damage caused by inflammation in the brain. In summary, CBD improved fronto-striatal connectivity and decreased limbic activity during the resting state, and modulated brain activity by showing specific task patterns during different cognitive paradigms. Currently, CBD is legal in the United States if it is produced from hemp, cannabis plants with 0.3% or less THC. To conclude, neuroimaging studies have demonstrated that CBD modulates brain activity and connectivity in neural systems relevant to psychosis and anxiety, possibly reflecting the therapeutic effects of CBD.

In particular, research shows that CBD can help us cope with stress by affecting brain systems involved in regulating and responding to stress. On the contrary, CBD attenuated activity in the left superior temporal gyrus, the insula, the posterior medial temporal gyrus, and the supramarginal gyrus. On the other hand, the hours elapsed since the last dose of CBD did correlate with post-interference (Rho%3D−0.53, p%3D0.02) and memory delay (Rho%3D−0.55, p%3D0.02) in the RAVLT PT and with the change in delayed memory from BL to PT (Rho%3D0.50, P%3D0.04). This suggests that the acute effects of CBD may help improve memory function. More and more people around the world are using CBD to treat anxiety, stress, depression, sleep and other cognitive problems.

Like tyrosine, rhodiola is an excellent anti-stress nootropic to use in conjunction with CBD to help maintain peak cognitive performance under demanding conditions. Current research indicates that CBD interacts with CB2 receptors to minimize oxidative damage in the brain. When comparing the effects of CBD and THC directly, a significant reduction in activity after THC was observed in the upper right and middle temporal gyrus during speech processing. However, CBD improved frontal-striatal connectivity while THC did not significantly alter this connectivity, possibly due to low plasma THC concentrations during the scan. Additionally, CBD modified limbic activity in subjects with social anxiety and showed similar (glutamate) and opposite (GABA) patterns in metabolite levels in patients with autism compared to healthy controls. Another less discussed nootropic benefit of CBD is neuroprotection: the protection of neurons (brain cells) against damage.

Cannabis with CBD did not significantly modulate activity compared to placebo or cannabis without CBD. The increase in activity in the left amygdala after administration of THC coincided with the level of anxiety assessed by the STAI, while attenuated activity after CBD in the amygdala correlated with its anxiolytic effect as measured by the VAMS. The trial was conducted over 12 weeks and included 2 days of BL evaluations, 10 weeks (on average) of daily CBD administration, weekly face-to-face monitoring and supply of CBD capsules, and a minimum intake of 12 hours of CBD, cannabis and alcohol before 2 days of physical therapy evaluations.

Tori Clar
Tori Clar

Subtly charming internet scholar. General music aficionado. Avid beer buff. Evil music expert. Lifelong food advocate. Award-winning beer practitioner.