What is the Difference Between Hemp-Derived and Cannabis-Derived CBD?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a phytochemical found in both hemp and marijuana plants. While it can be derived from either plant, there are some key differences between hemp-derived and cannabis-derived CBD. Understanding these differences can help you make an informed decision when purchasing CBD oil. Hemp is a related plant to marijuana with 0.3% or less THC. This plant is often used to make fabrics and ropes, and it is the source of hemp-derived CBD.

Hemp-derived CBD is not intoxicating and is widely available in pharmacies, vaping stores, health stores, and wellness centers in the United States. Hemp plants contain much more CBD than marijuana plants, making them the most lucrative option for manufacturers and the option with the least potential legal ramifications. Cannabis-derived CBD, on the other hand, is derived from marijuana plants that contain higher levels of THC. People use cannabis-derived CBD to help with a wide variety of physical and mental problems, such as pain, nausea, addiction and depression. If you're looking for the health benefits of THC but want to minimize the intoxicating effects of flowers that are high in THC and low in CBD, you can buy cannabis-derived CBD oil. When CBD is extracted from large quantities of industrial hemp grown under non-organic conditions, there is a possibility of contaminating waste passing into the final product.

These flowers are extracted for their high CBD content in addition to hundreds of other supporting ingredients. In the United States, cannabis-derived CBD is available at an authorized dispensary for eligible patients in 33 states that have medical cannabis programs. By knowing how to differentiate between hemp-derived and cannabis-derived CBD oil, you can make a thoughtful decision the next time you buy CBD oil.

Tori Clar
Tori Clar

Subtly charming internet scholar. General music aficionado. Avid beer buff. Evil music expert. Lifelong food advocate. Award-winning beer practitioner.